
The Network Suite (NS) will dynamic and smart solution for the users of AI-PRISM's Open-access Pilots Alliance. The suite includes set of components that help automate and organise the access of the pilots adn aims at increasing the visibility of the pilots' features.

Technical Specifications

The AI-PRISM-NS will include the following subcomponents: 1. User access control and security components is responsible for managing the access of the users to the suit. It consists of User and companies' information manager (UCIM) and User Access Manager (UAM). The UCIM will manage and handle the information of the pilots and users. Meanwhile, the UAM will manage the access levels of the users with the different pilots and related information. 2. Web interface will allow the user to interact with the portal. The aim to provide all functionalities via web base interface. 3. Contract and Finance Engine (CFE) component will manage the smart contracting between the end users and the financial agreements between the parties. It consists of the Negotiation and Contracts Manager (NCM) which will handle the negotiations in the portal, and the Payment Manger (PM): handles the payment in the portal. 4. Planning and Scheduling Engine (PSE) will manage the selection and scheduling of the pilot visits. It comprises Needs and Services Matching Manager (NSM2) that will provide the match-making feature once the user search for an open access pilot with certain features, and the Scheduling Optimizer (SO) which optimizes the schedules of the pilot access for both the pilot side and the end user side. 5. Virtual Pilots Engine (VPE) will include the Virtual Pilot Space Manger (VPSM) that provides the virtual space which will allow the pilot owners to share and deploy the virtual pilot with possible beneficiary end users. 6. Training and Certification Engine (TCE) will manage the training and granting the certificates of the end users. The TCE comprises Training and teaching manger which provides the teaching and training services to the end users, and the Examination and Evaluation Manger(E2M) which examines and certifies the access to the pilots.

Software and hardware Requirements

From user point of view, this suite aims at zero requirements. This means the user can use a PC or a mobile phone with a web browser to fully interact with the suite.

Usage Manual

In this section the main features of the component should be identified and explained. It also should include the explanation step by step each of the identified use cases.

Use Cases

Use Case Diagrams

The AI-PRISM Open Access Network Portal (AI-PRISM-NetPort) contains four engines as presented in FFF. These engines will provide the expected functionality as follows: * The Training and Certification Engine (NetPort-TEC) will provide the services to the end users regarding the training, examination and certifications to access the pilots. * The Contracts and the Finance Engine (NetPort-CFE) will provide the service to manage and handle the negotiations, agreement, contracts and the payments between the end users. * The Virtual Pilots Engine (NetPort-VPE) will allow the end users to create, deploy and provide the services of the virtual pilot. * The Planning and Scheduling Engine (NetPort-PSE) will allow the end users to schedule the access to the pilots. This scheduling will be optimized targeting different objectives based on the end user’s preference.

Use Case Mock-ups

As all AI-PRIS apps, the network portal will require the users to login. if teh user needs to register, then the portal will redirect the user to a form filling page where the user will introduce all needed information. this form will be later added once the portal will be deployed.

Once the user logs in, the first step to select the role of the user. For the portal there are 3 possible roles, Pilot Owner refers to the user who are offering their pilots to be used. The Pilot User are the users that are looking for pilots to access. Finally, Admin users are the once who manage the platform itself. this role will be updated following the deployment of the solution.

If the user is a "Pilot Owner", then the sidebar will include the following tabs: 1. Dashboard will present the ongoing activities and the events lists related to ll pilots that are associated to the pilot owner role. 2. Pilots and their sub-tabs will present each pilot options. As shown in the figure below, each pilot will have the following buttons: * Training material for the user to learn about the pilot * schedule to list all ongoing events related to the pilot * Use cases to describe all possible use cases that the pilot can provide * Virtual pilot will provide cyber hands-on experience for the user by using digital twins, mock applications, data, etc... * Negotiation rules where the pilot owner provides the negotiable and non-negotiable rules * Active operations that are related to the pilot with more details. these operations include ongoing negotiations, scheduled access waiting for approval, etc.. 3. Schedule will present the schedules of all pilots in a calendar view. 4. Active operations will present the all ongoing activities for all pilots. 5. History will present all past activities. 6. Analysis will present all usage analysis of each pilot. this analysis might include financial performance of the pilot, kpis on the accessibility of the pilot, users feedback, etc...

For the "Pilot User", the interface will look differently (the interface theme will change). The user will have a sidebar with the following tabs: 1. Dashboard will present the ongoing activities and the events lists related to all pilots access that are associated to the pilot user role. 2. Accesses will present each pilot access that tha user is engaged with. As shown in the figure below, each access can be clicked where the user can edit or see the progress if needed. The cooler coding represents the status where orange is ongoing access request, red refers to draft and not submitted request, green refers to accepted and booked access. In addition, a plus button to create new access requests. This will prompt the user to search for a pilot using different criteria. 5. History will present all past activities. 6. Analysis will present all usage analysis of each access. This analysis might include cost analysis, KPIs on the accessibility of the pilots, feedback, etc...

Functional Specifications

Functional Block Diagrams

Virtual Pilot Engine Functional Specifications is depicted in the figure below. On the left, the activity diagram for creating the virtual pilot Meanwhile on the right, the activity diagram for using the virtual pilot by the end user.

Training and Certification Engine Functional Specifications is depicted in the figure below. On the left, the activity diagram for creating the training materials in the virtual pilot. While on the right, the activity diagram for completing the pilot access criteria.

Contracts and Finance Engine Functional Specifications is presented in the figure below. On the left, the activity for adding terms to the pilots, and on the right, the activity for negotiating and agreeing on the usage and financial terms

Planning and Scheduling Engine Functional Specifications is presented in the figure below. On the left, the activity for adding the pilot to the scheduling engine, and on the right, the activity for scheduling the pilot physical accessTechnical Specification

Main interfaces

List of main interfaces between functional components shown in the figure.

ID Component Name Description Sense
1 UCIM pilot information pilot description In
2 T2M training material Pilot training material, it can be set by the pilot owners and cna be retrieved by the pilot user In/out
3 E2M examination material Pilot examination material, it can be set by the pilot owners and cna be retrieved by the pilot user In/out
4 NCM rules negotiation rules to for the pilot In
5 SO Optimization configuration pilot search terms for optimizing the visitation of the users In
6 SO Optimization results visitation schedule which optimized for the end user Out
7 PM contracts smart contracts information In/Out

Sequence Maps

This section presents an initial representation of the sequence of operations in the NS. The used color code is presetned in the following figure.

The following sequence diagram briefly shows the sequence of creating new pilot

The figure below shows the sequence of selecting and granting access to a pilot

Then the user can use the training material and access the pilot or the virtual pilot

This version will be updated once the component is developed further.