Usage Specifications


This section shows outlines the key details of how AI-PRISM project is intented to be used, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its features. By presenting user personas, user stories, and a table linking to the detailed usage specifications of each technical component, it is provided a comprehensive understanding of AI-PRISM project and its capabilities.

User Personas

Description of the user personas.

User Persona 1

Daniel is a developer who has been working on an application for human-robot interaction using AI visual systems tailored for the manufacturing industry. Developers are in charge of planning, coding, testing, and debugging the software components that comprise the project. They often have a strong technical background and are proficient in programming languages and software development technologies.

User Persona 2

Aisha is an engineer who is interested in improving work quality and human factors. Engineers are the persons in charge of ensuring that the project's technical components satisfy the defined requirements and are in accordance with business and engineering standards. They work with the development team to define, test, validate, and prioritize features, as well as to handle technical difficulties and ensure that the product is delivered on time and on budget.

User Persona 3

Sid is a system administrator. System Administrators are the personnel in charge of installing, configuring, and maintaining the project's hardware and software infrastructure. They manage system resources, monitor performance, troubleshoot problems, and assure the system's security and dependability.

User Persona 4

Ophelia is an experienced operator in the manufacturing field. Operators are the people that make use of the project's system or software to carry out their daily tasks. End-users, customer service representatives, and other staff who interact with the system on a regular basis may be included. Operators may require training and assistance in order to utilize the system properly and provide feedback to the development team.

User Stories

Main user stories linked to each user persona.

User Story 1. Daniel (developer)

Daniel has been working on an application for human-robot interaction using AI visual systems tailored for the manufacturing industry. Excited about the potential of his solution, Daniel seeks to test and integrate it with other applications through the open-access pilots offered by the AI-PRISM alliance. Leveraging the resources and network of the alliance, Daniel effortlessly uploads his component and gains access to various scenarios for testing. Through this collaborative opportunity, Daniel receives valuable feedback and insights from real-world testing, allowing him to refine and optimize his application. He also enjoys the opportunity to collaborate with other stakeholders within the AI-PRISM alliance, further enhancing the performance of his solution for the manufacturing industry.

User Story 2. Aisha (Engineer)

Aisha, a skilled engineer with a keen eye for improving work quality and human factors, comes across Daniel's application in the AI-PRISM catalogue of applications. She sees it as an excellent opportunity to enhance operator performance by reducing stress and improving work-life balance. Aisha recognizes the potential of Daniel's application in aligning with her goal of optimizing human factors in the workplace. Excited about the possibilities, Aisha shares her findings with Sid, the system administrator responsible for installing and managing applications in their organization. Aisha recommends Sidney install and try out Daniel's application, as she believes it could greatly benefit the operators' work quality and overall performance.

User Story 3. Sid (System Administrator)

Sid downloads Daniel's application in the AI-PRISM marketplace. Recognising the potential of the application to improve their organisation's operations, Sid downloads and installs the component. Using a simulation tool previously downloaded from the AI-PRISM, Sid thoroughly tests the integration of Daniel's application to ensure it works correctly. With successful results from the simulation, Sid proceeds to install the application in the physical environment. Sid carefully monitors the application performance, ensuring it seamlessly integrates with existing systems and functions as expected. Sid's meticulous approach ensures a smooth and successful integration of Daniel's application into their organisation's operations.

User Story 4. Ophelia (Operator)

Ophelia, an experienced operator in the manufacturing field, is introduced to the new component developed by Daniel, which aims to improve human factors in the workplace. Initially, Ophelia is unsure about how the collaborative robot (cobot) will adapt to her state while performing assembly tasks. However, after some time of using the new system, Ophelia realises that the cobot's adaptations based on her body positions and state make her feel more energised and less stressed than before. Ophelia appreciates the positive impact of the application on her work experience, as it helps to reduce workload-related stress and improve her overall well-being at work. She advocates for the new system among her colleagues, recognising its benefits in enhancing her work performance and job satisfaction.

Detailed Usage Specs

The following table contains links to the detailed specifications of each component in the reference architecture.

Acronym Link
TM Template
RF RF Documentation
BH BH Documentation
CM CM Documentation
AS AS Documentation
RC RC Documentation
IP IP Documentation
DS DS Documentation
SE SE Documentaion
AD AD Documentation
CD CD Documentation
PE PE Documentation
DR DR Documentation
CR CR documentation
HI HI Documentation
PD PD Documentation
SP SP Documentation
NS NS Documentation